Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Get Quit Clinics a success!

1-13-10: Last week, we held 4 Get Quit Clinics, 1.5 hr seminars co-sponsored by Pfizer and BMG. This was a way for smokers to find out what quitting is all about, and to give them HOPE that they can become a non-smoker.

I didn't get the pixs of the first one in Banning, on Tues. at 2:30 PM, but there were 28 people there, which was a great start! Exceeded the RSVP of 18 or so.

Then on Wed. night up in Yucaipa, you can see in the pictures that there were 53 people jammed in the waiting room! Finally, you can see the pictures of the 2 Redlands sessions, which had more the normal amount of people.

This was a great opp for patients who normally can't make my Mon. night Quit Smoking class to get something out in their area (especially Banning) so I am working on getting some classes set up out that way. Pfizer is also looking at doing more Get Quit clinics in March again, since there is such a need.

In my Mon. night quit smoking class that just started this week, I had the highest number ever--about 30, and out of those, about half attended one of the Get Quit Clinics!

Here are some pixs...

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